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Cookie Policy

Welcome to our Cookie Policy page. This page is designed to provide you with information on the types of cookies we use on our website, why we use them and how you can manage your cookie preferences. Please note that this policy should be read in conjunction with our Privacy Policy, as it explains how we collect, use and protect your personal information. By using our website, you are agreeing to our use of cookies in accordance with this policy.

We use cookies so you can move around our site easily and do everything you need to do. Before we send them to your computer, we need you to give us permission. You can find out how we’ll use them on our Privacy Policy page.

Remember, you can always change which cookies you’re happy for us to use.

We’ve all got used to seeing messages about cookies when we visit websites. We’re asked if we want to accept them, refuse them or pick the ones we’ll allow. Most of us just click to say yes to them all, but what are they?

Cookies are small files that websites send to your computer. They don’t interfere with your data, apps or hardware. The website has to ask for your permission to send them, and the essential ones make it easier for you to use the site. The more sophisticated ones like personalisation cookies help both you and the website owner.

Here’s an example of how cookies can improve the online experience.

Imagine you’re shopping at an internet book store. Maybe you spend a while browsing and picking out books that look interesting. But before you buy anything you run out of time or you just decide you’ll go back later so you leave the site and a trolley full of books.When you’re free again do you really want to start from scratch?

This is how cookies can help:

  • An essential cookie will keep you logged in while you’re away.
  • A personalisation cookie will remember how you like to view and navigate the store.
  • A statistics cookie will find books that have been bought by other visitors with similar tastes to yours and suggest you take a look.
  • A marketing cookie will learn from your choice of books and show you ads that might match your interests or even remind you of the book you forgot in your trolly.

Even after you’ve said yes to cookies, you can change your mind at any time. Just go to the cookies section of our site.

Cookie declaration last updated on 26/12/2022

Essential cookies

These cookies give you an even better experience. If you choose these, the site can respond in a way that works best for you. They help us remember your personal preferences so you’ll only have to give us the information once.

ProviderGDPR, ePrivacy and CCPA compliant cookies | Cookiebot CMP
PurposeStores the user’s cookie consent state for the current domain
Expiry1 year
TypeHTTP Cookie
PurposeDetermines whether the user has accepted the cookie consent box.
TypeHTML Local Storage
Statistics – or – How you browse

These cookies give us information about how our customers use our site, which means we can constantly improve what we do for you. It tells us what’s working and what’s not - just like a digital school report. Whether we get a gold star or a ‘must do better’ - it’s all helpful.

ProviderGoogle Tag Manager
PurposeRegisters a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website.
Expiry399 days
TypeHTTP Cookie
ProviderGoogle Tag Manager
PurposeUsed by Google Analytics to collect data on the number of times a user has visited the website as well as dates for the first and most recent visit.
Expiry399 days
TypeHTTP Cookie
PurposeRegisters statistical data on users’ behaviour on the website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator.
Expiry399 days
TypeHTTP Cookie
PurposeRegisters a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website.
Expiry1 days
TypeHTTP Cookie
Cookies with no name

Cookies are meant to make the internet a better place for browsing, but it’s not always clear what some do. Once we’ve worked out if these unusual ones are valuable, we can explain them to you, and if they’re not useful, we can all forget about them.

TypeHTML Local Storage
TypeHTML Local Storage
TypeHTML Local Storage
TypeHTML Local Storage
Expiry1 year
TypeHTML Cookie
TypeHTML Local Storage
TypeHTML Local Storage